
freeswitch-clj is an event socket interface for FreeSWITCH in Clojure. This is an open source project released under MIT Pulic License. Read the the project README file hosted in github for notes on installation and basic usage examples.

This document demonstrates the usage of the library with some additional examples.

Inbound mode

Here’s a basic setup to send some commands to freeswitch in inbound mode:

(require '[freeswitch-clj.core :as f])

;; Make a connection.
(def conn (f/connect :host ""))

;; Print result of an api request.
(println (f/req-api conn "status"))

(f/disconnect conn)

Originating a call

(require '[freeswitch-clj.core :as f])

;; Make a connection.
(def conn (f/connect :host ""))

;; Originate an outgoing call. Serves a TTS greeting upon answer.
(f/req-api "originate {origination_caller_id_number=+15551234567}sofia/gateway/mygw/+5557654321 '&speak(flite|kal|Hello world!)' XML default")

(f/disconnect conn)

Handling result of background jobs

The function req-bgapi can be used to effortlessly handle result of background jobs.

;; Define a result handler function.
(defn bgjob-handler
    [conn rslt]
    (println "bgjob result:" rslt))

;; Make a bgapi request.
(f/req-bgapi conn bgjob-handler "status")

Handling events, the high-level way

Function req-event can be used to both subscribe and setup handler for an event.

;; Define an event handler.
(defn event-handler
    [conn event-map]
    (println "Received event:" event-map))

;; Watch for a heartbeat event.
(f/req-event conn
             :event-name "HEARTBEAT")

Handling events, the low-level approach

For more control, event handler binding and event subscription can be separated.

;; Bind event handler.
    (fn [conn event-map]
        (println "Received heartbeat:" event-map))
    :event-name "HEARTBEAT")

;; Subscribe to the event.
(f/req-cmd conn "event HEARTBEAT")

Outbound mode

A basic outbound setup where freeswitch is configured to knock on port 10000 for decision about call routing:

(require '[freeswitch-clj.core :as f])

;; Create a connection handler.

As well as source files, Codox also tries to include documentation files as well. By default it looks for these in the doc directory, but you can change this with:(defn conn-handler
    [conn chan-data]
    (println "Channel data:" chan-data)
    (println (f/req-api conn "status"))

    ;; Send 'exit' command.
    (f/disconnect conn)
    ;; Wait for connection to close.
    @(conn :closed?))

;; Listen for outbound connections from freeswitch on port 10000.
(f/listen :port 10000
          :handler conn-handler)

It is possible to make api calls and setup & listen for events from inside the connection handler function, just like inbound mode. Note that the connection handler function is blocking, but runs in a separate core.async thread. Exiting this function means we are done with the connection. This implies, in case of doing a full-on call scripting with lot’s of event processing, you can wait for a promise to be delivered which is can be found under :closed? key in connection map.